MORE SKETCHES, STILL FREE :: Encased, However, In Comic Which Costs Money

Oh my lands! It has been a little bit since my last post, but all with good reason, dear friends inside of my computer. I have been very busy doing the following things: 1) Redesigning my website, where I will store a ton of things that you can look at, many of which you can purchase from me. Also other cool stuff. Also: 2) Gearing up to begin producing a weekly strip, to be published on said website (see item #1). 3) Wrestling Wordpress as I try to figure out how to install it right onto my site, so I can host this blog there instead of here. If anyone knows how to do this, I would be greatly in your debt. I feel like I'm close, but their "famous five-minute installation" is kicking my keister. If I were 12 I'm sure I could do it in my sleep. Is this what getting old feels like? I would be happy to draw something or do some other favor in return if anyone can help me. 4) Installing my new (!!!) Intuos 3 6" x 11" Wacom tablet, which I purchased in order to more quickly/intuitively add colors or grey tones to cartoons (see item #2). 5) Continuing to sketch in and ship out copies of good ol' DHARBIN #1 to people. I just now added 8 new sketches to the Flickr set I have devoted to this sort of self-aggrandizement. As opposed to all the other self-aggrandizing sets I have up there. I only am scanning the ones I like okay--if you got one that is crummy, then I do apologize. Occupational hazard.
Content © 2024 by Dustin Harbin | Site design by Harbin and implemented by adult