IN THIS TIME OF TROUBLE :: Please Enjoy An Out-Of-Date Strip.

[caption id="attachment_115" align="alignleft" width="500" caption="Chaos ensues during Beatles sing-a-long."]Chaos ensues during Beatles sing-a-long.[/caption] Ah, early October. The campaign ads were only 1 out of 3 of each commercial; I was one month into a thus-far TERRIBLE 35th year of living; and the Small Press Expo was going on in Bethesda, Maryland. Wall-eyed artisans have labored in the mountains for lo, these 30 days, producing two shockingly mediocre tablets, containing therein a record of the Marylandish goings on. But I've said too much: if you have already voted, I exhort you to go and view these delightfully inoffensive inscriptions: you deserve it. If you have not voted, or did not vote, your punishment is to send me $8 for a copy of DHARBIN #1 (shipping included). Only in this way can your sins be expiated. If you were planning on voting for the other guy, then not even DHARBIN #1 can help you...
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