WELCOME BACK! :: Blog Moves To Wordpress, Millions Rejoice

Okay, so this is my first post using Wordpress, so we'll have to see if everything works okay.  I've been wrestling with CSS for the last few days, but I think I have things at least in the area code I'd like them, and can fine-tune later.  I'm pretty psyched that I'm able to host my blog right here on good ole dharbin.com, so it's worth some hiccups and growing pains.  Here's an image, just to see if it works:
Members of the 2008 United Square Dancer's Association (USDA)
Members of the 2008 United Square Dancer Association (USDA)
Hopefully that worked.  I guess we'll see. Good gravy there are a lot more choices than on Blogger. I'll have to fool around with these for now, I guess. But in the meantime: if you've followed me over here from Blogger, I'd appreciate it if you'd do one of two things for me, gentle reader: 1) if you don't mind, leave a little comment just so I know you're out there, things are working. Not to mention giving me an idea of how many people are looking at this thing. I'm sure it will be an anemic number, but I'm planning on increasing that, so it'll be useful to have a sort of starting line. 2) If you see anything weird looking or screwed up, especially if you're using a non-Internet Explorer browser, please don't hesitate to let me know, either in the comments, or (if you want to cuss me) in an e-mail. And in either/both cases, thanks for your continued patience as I screw with things. I'm building up a small backlog of strips in the meantime, so that when I "unveil" my new site and begin publishing weekly strips, I'll have a buffer of a few strips.
Content © 2024 by Dustin Harbin | Site design by Harbin and implemented by adult