FAME INCREASES :: Via Power Of New Invention, "Internet"

Wonders never cease!  Over the last couple of days I have been mentioned not once but TWICE in popular comics blogs.  This is especially notable because they're the only two comics blogs I subscribe to and read daily--that means that to me, 100% OF THE COMICS INTERNET MEDIA IS TALKING ABOUT DUSTIN HARBIN. If you are into comics--especially good ones--and don't already read it, you should totally start reading Tom Spurgeon's Comics Reporter.  And while Sean T. Collins' blog is often more about horror movies than comics, his blog is well-written and interesting enough that I even read the horror posts.  And I don't know the first thing about horror movies, except the good ones are probably more scary than I would like. I will of course keep you abreast of future increases in fame.  In the meantime, I would like to publicly and heartily thank Young Master Rich Barrett for some very very useful CSS tips, which have turned the moving of this blog here from Blogger from a necessary evil to an enjoyable challenge.  All I have left to do now is figure out how to keep the bottom of the first post from extending to the corresponding bottom of the sidebar.  Ideas, anyone?
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