PESKY SOAP SCUM REMOVED WITH LASER VISIONS!Oh Hi There!  My name is Dustin Harbin; I'm a slowly-aspiring cartoonist who is even-more-slowly putting together a new site, and spending an astounding amount of time wrestling CSS, trialing and erroring this's and that's.  Thus the image at (hopefully) right.  Getting the placement and captioning and border and all the anal-retentive schmutz that sends my OCD into paroxysms of delight is a real pain in the caboose, let me tell you. But I have to do it.  And in order to really test it, I need this text to wrap, yea, all the way past the bottom of this image.  So I thought I'd share some biographical information with you.  This information will NOT help you to steal my identity, but I'm a pretty skinny guy--it would not be hard to mug me, if you're really hunting some easy money. Oh jeez--looks like I'm nearly done already!  Maybe I won't give you any biographical information anyway.  Oh, dry those eyes!  I can never stay mad at you, anyway.  Here's a little tidbit, before I have to get back to business:  if you're looking for a cheap red wine that's tasty as all get-out, I've recently been enjoying one called "SMOKING LOON", specifically their Pinot Noir.  It's not great, but for $8-$10 you get what you pay for, right?  Besides, I'm only drinking it for the health benefits anyway.  I don't even think about the taste.
Content © 2024 by Dustin Harbin | Site design by Harbin and implemented by adult