SHOUT-OUT TO SCOTT C. :: Also The Last Of My Test Posts

Boy, I sure am glad that the incredible vastness of my Internet audience has been patient up to now with the willy-nilly nature of my posting.  I am pretty much done with all my major problems with CSS.  The verdict:  using Wordpress is so superior to Blogger, in almost every way, except for the fact that I had to literally TRIPLE my knowledge of CSS, PHP, and blogging software in general in order to get anything to work.  On the up-side, when is knowing more ever a bad thing?  And, while I miss the grey/green/fuchsia color scheme of my old blog, having this thing be built into my new website is just too cool for school.  I'm loving it so far. But!  In order to flush the last few OBVIOUS bugs out of the system, I need to make one more post I can fool around with and test in different browsers, etc.  I was wondering what ON EARTH I could find to think about, when I noticed there was a new DFAC strip in my little RSS folder.  But DHARBIN!, you might ask, what is this DFAC?  What indeed!  DFAC #614: COLONIAL VOTING! "DFAC" stands for Double Fine Action Comics, and is one of the very few online comics I follow regularly, and maybe the only one I read IMMEDIATELY whenever a new one comes out.  I don't know if I've EVER heard ANYONE talking about it--surely this can't be the case.  I'm totally SRS, too--I've never even seen a mention of the strip anywhere.  Scott Campbell is like the most unsung cartoonist working today, probably because he makes all his money art directing video games.  Smart guy. So check it:  Double Fine Action Comics is impossible to describe, so I'm not going to try.  Just imagine that one of the most creative, fun, totally OMG sweet dudes you can think of were to show up for work every day and do a quick little strip before he starts his day.  Now imagine that instead of sucking, it's amazing, hilarious, and also amazing.  Now imagine that you were trying to do a strip yourself, except it takes you days to do one, rather than a few minutes at the beginning of the day.  Now dry those imaginary tears, my friend.  Go here and scroll way forward to episode #614 to start DFAC from the just-prior-to-amazing-Obama-victory-day voting storyline, featuring our LOL founding fathers.  Or to get really retro, go here and just start the strip from the beginning.  Either way, it's great.  And all on the Double Fine website, makers of the incredible Psychonauts video game (Scott C. was the art director) and the upcoming heavy-metal-fantasy-game Brutal Legend.  Okay:  end test post NOW.  I have to go catch a brewski at Suit Night at Snug Harbor real quick before they're all gone.
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