Well good Monday morning to all of you--my strip this week will be late; see above a little snippet from my sketchbook. I'm trying out a new style that I'm enjoying drawing in, AND tackling one of the greatest social ills our civilization has ever faced: THE NUTSHOT. Look for the finished strip midweek or so. I'm thinking lately of changing my weekly strip format--I could have knocked this one out yesterday and had it done in time to post now, but I would have had to rush it and I feel like I've been going too fast on strips lately. I mean yeah, those autobio strips were supposed to be fast and everything, but part of the point of doing a weekly strip was to learn stuff about composition and pacing, and there really isn't much of those things in my quick strips. On the other hand, the autobio strips are super easy to do, right? As anyone who's ever spoken to me for more than 5 minutes will tell you, I have no shortage of things to say about myself. So I may start doing those regularly as my "weeklies," giving myself more time to work on more serious/finished stuff, for instance a strip all about getting racked. I mean, that's IMPORTANT, you know? Let's see, what else is going on lately? In lieu of a strip, even a quickly drawn one, how about some useless facts about my recent life? OKAY DEAL: 1) I have been drawing like crazy, but strangely not getting anything done. Wait that's not news. 2) I have also been playing this video game BIOSHOCK, which I heard was the most amazing immersive incredible experience. I heard wrong! If you live around Charlotte and want my copy of Bioshock, I would love to trade it for Halo 2 or 3 or some other really awesome game I can play on my Xbox 360. Oh man I just realized this boring game is why I'm not finishing more comics. BECAUSE THAT WAS SUCH A MYSTERY! 3) Did I mention I bought an iPhone? Wow what an amazing little machine. I can almost write to this blog from it, but for some reason it won't load my blog to my iPhone. But the thing can do pretty much everything else except parallel park my car. 4) I'm thinking of having a little DUNE book-club discussion right here on my blog, as I'm due to reread this amazing AMAZING novel, probably my favorite book ever, and I could talk about it forever. It seems like a fun thing to do, right? Let's do it, let's read Dune together okay? Post a comment below if you're into it. 5) Iced coffee is really good, although kind of a headache to make. But WHOA it sure is strong. 6) "She Belongs To Me" is my new favorite Bob Dylan song.  "You will start out standing/proud to steal her anything she sees/but you'll wind up peeking through her keyhole/down upon your knees." That guy, I swear, so amazing. 7) Oh yeah this Saturday I'm doing a talk at the Mt. Pleasant library on comics, but it's for teens I think so most of you guys are going to have to make do with me talking here. 8) Oh double yeah, coming up in September on my birthday I'll be doing my first poetry reading in over 10 years. I know BORING but no actually it will be amazing and most likely change your life forever! More details before too terribly long.  Okay! Until I get that finished strip up, keep those crotches covered just in case!
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