Whoa, two blog posts in two days?! Well, perhaps my guilt over not having my strip done yet is just THAT strong. Actually no, I don't feel guilty at all. I mean, has feeling guilty ever done YOU any good? Of course not. I just finished pencilling this badboy finally, so I'll start inking tonight and be done in a couple of days, I think. I'm really excited about this one, actually--it's a different style for me, and one that that's been pretty fun to ink so far in my sketchbook, so we'll see how it turns out. In the meantime, in lieu of a strip, please accept this bit of one of the great masters of American music, Mr. John Coltrane, with his quartet and guest star Eric Dolphy. I've been listening to a ton of Coltrane lately, especially a recent slue of live recordings I've, er, obtained, and it's pretty much the best music ever.
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