NEXT SATURDAY :: Cartooning Talk at Mt. Pleasant Library

Next Saturday, July 18, I'll be giving a talk at the Mt. Pleasant Library on comics and cartooning. At least I think it's on comics and cartooning--I think it will at least be about cartooning, right? Okay so that's decided. I'll be giving a talk about cartooning, next Saturday at the Mt. Pleasant library, ostensibly from 12.30pm to 2pm, although one must presume that I will continue to talk as long as someone looks like they're listening. Besides, I may need more than 90 minutes to turn all the 11-and-up people in the room into master cartoonists. This is the second time I've donned a fake mortarboard (I never got a real one, having never graduated anything before) to fake teach--I enjoyed the first time, although it was both more and less difficult than I'd thought it would be. This will probably be less difficult--I can't imagine that anything is very hard in a town called Mt. Pleasant, right? Wait where the heck is Mt Pleasant anyway? Let's see... OMG IT'S LIKE AN HOUR AWAY. Now I don't feel so bad about taking money for 90 minutes of work. Phew! Okay, well if you're in/near that area and you're a library-prone teenager, come by and I'll turn you into Sam Hiti or Paul Pope or somebody real quick. If you stay for 2 hours I can make you a regular Jack Kirby, but you'll have to take up cigar-smoking. ALSO: I don't usually blog in the middle of the day, but I left work early today because I feel like crap. To show you what that looks like, I have helpfully included a photograph I just took, JUST NOW:
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