SO! My Kickstarter thing I started last week crushed it!! Holy cow that is super amazing, I never expected to have hit that goal in like 13 hours or so; I had originally foreseen a lot of begging around day 28 of the 30 day period. But! Some donations are still trickling in, so here's what I'm going to do with the extra money: I'm going to use it to pay for the printing of my first minicomic collection of my diary comics. It will debut, like it's larger, newspapery, full-color older brother, at TCAF in about a month. SO! That means if you have not yet donated to that Kickstarter thingie, there is still a reason to do so, AND you will still get all the little rewards and so forth, if that kind of stuff is interesting to you. If that kind of stuff is not interesting to you, you need to do some soul-searching. And some donating. ALSO: did I mention that I co-won that contest that I did this Third Man drawing for? The real winner was Vicki Nerino, who's an awesome cartoonist and illustrator and one of the nastiest people on Twitter. Lord, some of the language she uses. But she's good buds with contest runner Phil McAndrew, and so they wisely decided to name me co-winner, knowing the ensuing tantrum if they did not would shake the very pillars of heaven. But listen: do you know about these guys? Phil has got one of the most unique styles for a young cartoonist I've seen--his stuff is covered with ink, just clotted with it, little squiggle lines everywhere, it's amazing and super-energetic. I know he's looking for some extra freelance money, so if you're looking for somewhere to put a little money, I highly recommend his pocket. OH: I thought I'd put up some more of these brush sketches of photos from fashion magazines, part of my continuing mission to get better at using the brush and way better at drawing the ladies. The ladies, they can be tricky, let me tell you. I've got a slowly growing set of them over at my Flickr.
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