SKETCHBOOK SPREAD | Pages 88-89 Hey guys! I don't have much to say today, but I wanted to say SOMETHING, I haven't been saying that much the last few weeks. I am super busy! I am in the middle of the crush-time for HeroesCon, letter an average of 2-3 pages a day for a super-secret project, and get my stuff ready for TCAF and that Kickstarter thing I did. In the middle of all that my kitty is sick! His kidneys are failing, the poor guy isn't feeling very good. He feels less good when I stick a needle in his back and shoot a big 150ML bubble of water in there to keep him hydrated. I love my kitty though, he's good people. I stuck myself good with the needle this morning, so maybe the blood trickling down my hand was consolation for him. Everybody hurts, Kitty. SKETCHBOOK SPREAD | Pages 90-91 But listen, about that Kickstarter thing--it is still going, and while the initial goal of $750 has been met, I am going to use any additional moneys to print up a mini of my diary comics to date for TCAF. And/or send all these darn rewards to people, which I didn't really think about when I was setting the thing up. Because I'm an idiot. So anyway. I will still accept your moneys, and you will still get PRIZES! So, food for thought (for you). SKETCHBOOK SPREAD | Pages 94-95 Also, of course here are some more pages from last year's sketchbook. And if you're wondering where my comics have gone, I've been doing daily strips Monday through Friday right here. Once HeroesCon is done I'll return to my weekly schedule of more "finished" updates, I promise, including the second half of my Poison Ivy story!
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