KICKSTARTER :: The Dharbin Color Special (Project)

Last night I stayed up super-duper late and started a Kickstarter project to help me pay for my next comic book. The comic book won't be a book at all though; it'll be an 8-page newspaper, like a Dharbin-centric funnies section. It'll include a bunch of my color strips, most of which have never seen print, none of which have ever been printed in color, except this little beauty. I had a good time figuring out the different reward levels--the way Kickstarter works, you pledge a certain amount of money, in this case based on benchmark levels, with each level of support carrying its own rewards. I of course named all my levels, because I like to name things. The top level gets a hand-made display text ad in the paper itself, which I'll be printing 1000 copies of, many (hopefully most) of which I'll sell for a buck a pop at shows and through this site, and the rest of which I'll be trying to put into comics shops around the country to get me famous. Famous! But it's pretty easy to figure out: I humbly invite you to check it out yourselves. You can pledge as little as a buck, and your card doesn't get charged until the funding goal ($750 in this case, although I'm already 1/3 of the way there as of this writing!) is met.
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