SOCIAL MEDIA :: Let's Do That

Check that out! I embedded one of my own strips in a blog post! Phillip Duncan of has been souping up my website big-time. He's not quite done, although he's most of the way there--not only does everything look super spiffy, but he's put in all these great little widgets to help spread my comic around different places. I used his little awesome popup "Click here to share.." code to embed the comic above, but there's also links to Reddit, Stumbleupon, Facebook, and some others. Phillip's pretty great to work with, and I highly recommend him to anyone who's looking to hire someone to help with their website, especially if it has anything to do with CSS or Wordpress or advanced coding or any of that stuff I'm terrible at. I posted one of my strips to Reddit yesterday and got insane traffic right away, which is really really encouraging. I would like to end 2010 with my status as a cartoonist cemented--I'm pretty poor, so I need to start earning money from selling stuff, and to do that I need AUDIENCE. And to get that, I probably need to improve my strip, but listen that's on me, you can't help with that. However there are still some rubes other people who might like it out there in the world, who need us to alert them to me. If in your wanderings online you find yourself in a position to help pimp my strip a little bit, I'd be most appreciative. You can embed them like I did (I even changed the pixel dimensions, just cos I felt like it), or link to them, or "Like" them, or whatever you like. No biggie, but every little bit helps! Even just chucking a link in your blogroll or whatever is great--these things add up over time. Together we will become famous! (You by extension)
Content © 2024 by Dustin Harbin | Site design by Harbin and implemented by adult