My second favorite out-of-town convention of the year is this weekend! I'll be in a rental car early-burly tomorrow morning and driving up to Bethesda, Maryland for the Small Press Expo! I'd say more about it except WHOA NELLIE I have so much getting ready still to do. So let's focus on commerce, shall we? Behold just several of the things I'll have for sale this weekend! Boom! DIARY COMICS #1 debuts at SPX! I'm pretty proud of this book, it looks FANTASTIC and you will be delighted at it's scant $6 cover price for 48 black and white pages, comprising the first 6 months of my diary comic in its entirety! Published with love and extraordinary generosity by Koyama Press, this is the result of one woman's awesome support; and your opportunity to turn that support into YOUR generous support.. for me! Teamwork! Holy mackeroly! This here full-color print, printed on fancy-dan high-dollar paper, and reproducing the image from the endpapers of the aforementioned DIARY COMICS #1, can be yours for just $10, which is exactly half of what all my buddies online told me to charge for it. Let's face it, I've been disappointed before. But you won't be! The prints are 8" x 10" and look great, take it from a guy who's a real stickler and will enthusiastically talk crap about his own work! I'll ALSO have new printings of DHARBIN! #1 and #2, my full-color minicomic Nutted!, the last few of the "I Love Him" t-shirt, and of course my 8-page color newspaper, THE ENQUIRER DHARBIN! Plus tons of original art, including all the available diary comics, most of which are just $10! AND I'll be moderating a panel on/with subjects Kate Beaton and Julia Wertz on Sunday at 1.30! Whoa, I hope I can teach them something about comics! Listen here you guys, if you are going to be around Bethesda and you want to give me money, I want to help you! And if you're not there, wish me luck! Here's to getting more famous in 2010!
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