SPX PROGRAMMING :: Me + Beaton + Wertz

Oh yes ma'ams and sirs! The SPX 2010 programming slate is up on their site, and lo and behold I'm moderating a panel with Kate Beaton and Julia Wertz. Let me rephrase that, I'm moderating a panel on the two of them, with them--meaning the one thing the panel isn't about is me. *reminds self forcefully* So with luck I'll be able to evade my usual penchant (that's French) for talking over everybody. How gauche.

Kate Beaton and Julia Wertz in Conversation 1:30 | White Flint Amphitheater Two of the most popular and entertaining cartoonists of their generation, Kate Beaton and Julia Wertz have both attracted dedicated audiences online with their uniquely humorous comics. This special conversation moderated by Dustin Harbin will investigate the similarities and differences between the creators of Hark, A Vagrant! and The Fart Party.

"Investigate" eh? To that end: I would love to hear your ideas for questions to either or both of these awesome ladies. I don't mean in a "the next question comes from Silas M. of Poughkeepsie.." kinda way, but what do you think we should talk about? Whenever I would moderate a panel at HeroesCon, I'd always wing it cos I never had any time to prepare--so for this one, I'm going to actually prepare and see how that works. Should be pretty easy though--I love both of these ladies and am a fan of their work(s), as I'm sure you are too. If not, then you should check out Kate and Julia's sites tout de suite!
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