NEW STRIP :: Seven Resolutions For This, The New Year of Our Lord, 2009

Ah the New Year. I have mentioned elsewhere how excited this new year, still only 5 days old, completely without expression and unable to do much more than squint, drink milk, and look pink, has made me. Normally I don't bother with New Year's resolutions, especially now that I've quit smoking. But something about this year, which I have decided will be the Year of the Dharbin, is really getting me all jazzed up inside. It has been a long ugly time since I was excited about the future--it has usually seemed like a place to batten down the hatches in preparation of; less a place you can't wait to enter. And regardless of how preposterously silly it is to give into this childlike excitement, give in I shall nonetheless, and I'll stick my thumb in your eye meanwhile if you give me any more of that sass lip. And if I think that such a year demands not one but SEVEN resolutions, then that is my call to make. My friends, this after all is the Year of the Dharbin. Enjoy the strip, and please feel free to chime in below with your own resolutions, which I will greet with excitement and enthusiasm, as they deserve.
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