REVIEW :: Matchstick Men

Matchstick Menis not a good movie. It was boring most of the way through, all the plot twists make the movie worse, not better. Literally each time--"oh, now it's worse again." It's a dumb premise, and the "daughter" in the movie is so Lolita-ish that you spend most of the time wondering if her and Nicholas Cage are going to start making out. Well, I did, anyway. And the ending was so awful that I felt betrayed by Nicholas Cage himself. As if all the promise and miracle of Raising Arizona had been squandered for all time by his part in this movie. And maybe a couple of others, truth be told. This was an excellent use of the Netflix "instant" queue. Thank you Xbox 360. There was ONE good scene in this movie, and YouTube has kindly furnished it for us. See above. For a scene from a GREAT film starring Nicholas Cage, see below, although he isn't in it.

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