Hey looka here, some more pages from my last sketchbook, these date from early 2008, I do believe. Ah, the memories. You can click the images to open them in Flickr, where there are more robust descriptions and so forth, and where you can (maybe) see them bigger, if you're into that. They're part of a growing set of sketchbook pages, which will eventually comprise the entirety of that sketchbook, presuming the sketchbook doesn't get Raptured before then. SKETCHBOOK SPREAD | Pages 12-13 Oh man did you guys watch LOST last night? I was so excited about it I even watched the boring catchup episode beforehand. Although I will say that having Ben Linus narrate it gave it a pretty creepy vibe. I wonder if that guy reads audiobooks? Because WHOA, those would be some creepy audiobooks. SKETCHBOOK SPREAD | Pages 14-15 I'm not entirely sure what I think of the episode, it was way better in my mind while I was watching it than afterwards, and the last episode of the previous season was so AMAZING that it's a hard act to follow. BUT, I definitely thought the best line of the night was the Japanese dude (no spoilers, don't worry, unless knowing there is a Japanese dude in the episode spoils anything) saying "I don't like the way English tastes in my mouth." Haw! Snobby old Japanese dudes! How they do carry on. SKETCHBOOK SPREAD | Pages 16-17 I used to want to learn Japanese, one time in high school I found  a "Learn Japanese In Six Weeks" (or some similarly tiny timeframe) record set at the Union County Public Library, and was told everyone I spoke a little Japanese for the week and a half I made it. Amazing language, especially when girls speak it. That's probably true for most languages, actually. When I hear people speaking Japanese it makes me think of abstract art a little bit--the language is foreign enough that there aren't really any common word roots (other than television brands or whatever), but there's a sort of underlying organizing principle that's barely perceivable; it's like listening to someone say a mathematical equation out loud. Mm, Japanese. Mm, math. Mm, abstraction. Mm, Lost.
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