Here is the short version: I want to expand my audience and I'd like you to help. I will give this piece of original art away next week to SOMEone who does SOMEthing, which I will reveal to you in just a few column inches. under-achiever_00_inks_1000px To anyone who links to this blog post, or retweets my tweet linking to this post, I will stick your name in a hat and draw a name out next Tuesday, February 9. Let's say at noon. That's pretty much it. Most of the time my blog will sense links to it and list them as "trackbacks;" but it's probably better to let me know, either in the comments section below, or by email at dusty[at]dharbin[dot]com. One entry per person; I won't be upset if you retweet every once in a while, but it won't earn you additional "chances." It might earn you the opprobrium of your various Twitter audiences, so be careful with that. Let's not spam anyone, especially with MY GOOD NAME! The art itself is from a couple of years ago; it's the original drawing I did while planning the--apparently difficult to understand--strip I posted this week. I will say that, while I obviously like the new version better, this one still looks pretty good, much less mortifying to me than I thought it would be. It's about 12.5" x 7, ink on bristol, and looks sharp. Okay get on out there and make me famous! And thank you in advance for your kind help! UPDATE! Lots of response to this; I've decided to extend the cut-off to Wednesday February 10 at 4pm EST, AND, if my follower count hits 750 on Twitter by then, I'll give away THREE pieces of art instead of one. So get out there and pimp me suckaz!
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