NEW STRIP :: Things to Hate

There is almost nothing I hate more than talking on the telephone. If you're like me, then you're probably like me. Mashing this warm box up against your ear, listening to someone hem and haw while they get to the point... to say nothing of the awful intrusion of the ring itself. But nothing, no nothing compares to the white-hot rage that being forced to hear someone's insipid one side of a telephone conversation. Usually about some facet of their life that's either intensely private or intensely boring. This week I'm on vacation (all week!) so I did a kind of quickie strip (not as quickie as I'd planned, as usual). Next week will be an even quickier strip, so prepare yourself for disappointment. There are a TON of different comics projects I have to get completed in like the next two weeks or so, which I will say more about (next week) in a separate blog post--in some cases, as they're confirmed and I am able to talk about them. Sooo exciting. Okay! Click on the image above or right darn here to begin the hating! See you next week!

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