AUFAUXBIOGRAPHY | Page 6 | Prince & Renier

I love where this story is going. I only have one more page to post from the contributions I got at HeroesCon, although I'm thinking about mailing this to some other cartoonists who I might not see before this fall's SPX in Bethesda.

This page features Liz Prince (top), whose book Delayed Replays recently came out from Top Shelf, and it is even better than her first book Will You Still Love Me If I Wet The Bed? Liz, the answer is a resounding YES. Below Liz's panel is Aaron Renier's, who did Spiral Bound (also for Top Shelf), and is now working on something awesome-sounding entitled The Unsinkable Walker Bean, which I cannot wait for.

Click the image to view it bigger on my Flickr page. You can also get to the whole sequenced set that way, or just click here. More soon!
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