I'M ON THE RADIO :: "Average Joe" On Charlotte Talks.
I say Witness! Tomorrrow morning (September 22) at 9am, I'll be on WFAE as part of their monthly "Average Joe" segment. The short version is that, rather than talking to people who are experts in their field ABOUT their fields, they talk to some schmoes (in this case, "joes") about whatever. In this case, I believe it will mostly be about politics, considering the impending election; although surely there will be some discussion of the recent economic disasters, which none of us average joes will know the first thing about.If you're not from around here and would like to listen, I do believe they have a streaming broadcast at their website. I hope that someone out in the wide world will witness this first-ever foray for me into the world of the average. I will try to bring back a souvenir of some kind.
ALSO, I have posted some brand-darn new drawings to my ever-swelling Flickr site, which will either delight or depress you, depending on which you look at. Tip: stick to delight whenever possible.