OH THE THINGS WE'LL BUY TOGETHER! :: Dharbin #1 Now For Sale!

Many have wondered how if it would ever be possible, but at last I have figured out how to use the "Internet" to sell things. I call it "d-commerce", after of course myself. To the victor go the spoils, after all.

You may expect an exhaustive account of how I was able to plumb the binary depths of the Information Superhighway later, but for now let's concentrate on this new, exciting invention: I suggest you immediately test it out by buying things from me.

But what to buy? Allow me to make three suggestions:

My first ever minicomic, done in a terrible rush before SPX 2008. I have reprinted this badboy with some spiffy cardstock covers and a slightly altered design (not to mention altered price. Each one comes with an original sketch on the first page, an example of which you can see above. Not all sketches will be satisfactory, but some will be exemplary. Five bucks apiece, plus another THREE if you need it mailed to you. There is a greater chance of exemplary sketches for mailed copies, as I feel terrible about this higher price. But not that terrible.

Good ole Chris Pitzer published me for the first time ever in his esteemed anthology. Fortunately this issue also includes Jim Rugg, Brian Maruca, Laura Park, and a cover by Roger Langridge, so even if you tear my 12-page story out and line your parakeet cage with it, you'll still be getting an excellent value at just $3. I encourage you to buy this with DHARBIN #1, giving you more for your $3 shipping charge.

This will look excellent on your wall, trust me. It's a signed and numbered edition of 100, 11" x 14" print of a surprisingly popular thing I drew a few months ago. I've put it on fancy-dan paper to make it seem even more important. Best of all, it's only $5, which is a steal; especially compared with the high price of my mini. I'll ship it to you for another $3, rolled up in a little tube.

If you would like any or all of these things, drop me an e-mail at dusty{at}dharbin{dot}com, and we'll work it out. I ship the books in expensive bubble-wrap envelopes that I bought for just this purpose. If you live around Charlotte somewhere, let's do "the deal" in person, and save me that time and you that money.
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