I AM FAMOUS :: Guest Artist Through March at Partyka!

Do you know what Partyka is?  I do:  terrific, that's what.  This month I've been invited, in a display of flattery the world has not seen since The Supreme Court elected George W. Bush president, to be Guest Artist at Partyka, which is super awesome.  My little mini-residency is going to be a group of drawings I'm calling "WHAT HEAVEN LOOKS LIKE," totalling 12 drawings and 12 different versions of the word "HEAVEN."  I think my man J. Chris Campbell is going to turn this into a sweet Wide Awake Press minicomic in time for FLUKE, which I'll be attending as well.  Oh, did I mention I was attending FLUKE this year? But back to Partyka.  The site is run mainly by Shawn Cheng and Matt Wiegle, both of whom have got a ton of sweet minicomics to their credit(s), all of which you should go and buy immediately.  I used one of each of their minicomics in the class I just finished teaching on comics, mainly as examples of how singular and special a minicomic can be.  Here's one of my favorite Matt Wiegle drawings: I love it!  And for even more color chicanery, Shawn Cheng: Whoa Nellie!  These guys were either very nice or very foolish or both to have invited me onto their site, but either way I'm excited to be there.  I'm also looking forward to seeing them at TCAF (Toronto Comic Arts Festival) in May.  Oh, did I not mention I was going to be a guest at TCAF?  Oops!  Okay, but let's focus on Partyka for right now, alright?  You can visit my (still nascent) guest page here!
Content © 2024 by Dustin Harbin | Site design by Harbin and implemented by adult