NEW STRIP :: The Skating Kazoo, Page 1/3

The first of three pages, numbers 2 of 3 of which will appear here in subsequent weeks. I thought for a while that I would actually have all 3 pages done today, putting me 2 weeks ahead. But that did not happen. Special thanks to Wizzywig creator Ed Piskor for a late-night consult--I spent an extra hour adding greytones, which Ed (probably correctly) said was stupid. So here you see my strip, emperor's-new-clothes-less. This is a true story, LIKE EVERYTHING THAT COMES OUT OF MY MOUTH. I use to roller-skate everywhere when I was a kid. I didn't learn how to ride a bike until I was in 3rd or 4th grade (such a crime!), so I roller-skated for transportation. But I didn't have many friends, so I would often just roller-skate up and down the driveway. For HOURS. Not always with a kazoo (the kazoo shows up on page 2), but always imagining the whole neighborhood must be floored at my obvious and great skill. As I hope you are.
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