NEW STRIP :: The Skating Kazoo, Page 3 of 3

Okay, okay, okay my bro's: all done with that little slice of life story, yessirree. Special thanks to my coworkers Shawn Reynolds and Seth Peagler, who had some really sweet things to say about the first page. I am not particularly proud of this strip, so I am indebted to them for the encouragement, as it made me actually finish the thing up, as opposed to doing other stuff and forgetting about it eventually.  No joke: I eat some praise up. IT'S LIKE HONEY TO ME.  But anyway, click here to see this badboy. Also in the Dharb-news this week: I'm getting ready to fire up the might of Twitter for my work, and so I have signed myself up for Twitter. I'd like to pretend that it was purely for research purposes, you know for the whole work thing, but in all actuality I just can't resist the lure of talking about myself EVEN MORE. So if you're a Twitter-er, now you can get EVEN MORE of me, every day, all day. For some reason, last night I woke up at 3 in the morning and could never get back to sleep. This isn't all that remarkable, except that this NEVER happens to me--I'm a sound sleeper, and it usually takes me about 3 minutes to doze off each night. By 4 I had finally turned the light on to try and read myself back into slumber-ville--I read the rest of that Wired issue with the Paul Pope story that I lettered (remember that?). By 5 o'clock I just said screw it and got up to just go ahead and start working, and cleverly decided to walk the dog seconds before the heavens opened up and soaked us both. As I type this I can barely keep my eyes open, but I WANTED YOU TO KNOW the great and noble lengths I go to each week to bring you ART, like Prometheus himself, harpy-scarred and grinning. Good night, Internet.
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