I won't belabor the explanation of this strip too far, as the explanation is the subject of said strip, and that would just be a straight-up waste of time. But to sum up, for the next couple of months I'll be following the progress of a hugely busy summer for me, one already in progress. I don't want to have to drop my weekly strip in the process, though it is often an albatross around my neck, and of marginal at best quality at that. But it's primo practice in terms of planning and executing cartoons, so it's likely a friendly, curmudgeonly albatross. In other news, Saturday was Free Comic Book Day at my work, and good gravy it was crazy. The very kind Neil Lambiotte Bramlette, follower of this blog/strip and a first-class supporter and cheerleader for struggling cartoonists, asked me to do a sketch for him. I was so flattered that I sold Neil a copy of the brand-new, not-available-yet, DHARBIN! #2, which I happened to have in my car. See how that worked? Neil flatters me, and in thanks I sell him something? That's what makes me so great. Oh but that reminds me: DHARBIN! #2 is done, printed, folded and stapled, and will be available for sale upon my return from TCAF next week.  This is presuming my plane doesn't crash into the sea: my fear of flying is EPIC, and demands I drink 2 doubles in the airport bar before even thinking about boarding.  We'll have to see how that works with a 7am flight.  My guess is it will be great. Okay: more about that soon.  Also, I've been terrible about returning e-mails lately, and SOMEONE asked me to sell them a DHARBIN! #1, like a month ago, and I never did and now can't find that e-mail.  If you are within the sound of my internet voice, mysterious and hopefully patient gentleman, please hit me up again and I will leap upon it and take your money.  To review: NEW STRIP!
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