FISTACUFFS PINUP :: The Red Raja Vs General Melee

What some of you may not know about Dustin Harbin is that he has one thing in common with stud cartoonist Guy Davis: we are both former winners of Sam Hiti's Fistacuffs competition. The short description is that cartoonists would create cartoon gladiator/combatants, which would then face each other in tournament-style brackets, with the readers of the blog voting on the winner of each. Now, Guy won his (I think it was the third FACA (Fist-A-Cuffs Association) all by his lonesome, while I was part of a three-stud team which also included Spaniard powerhouses David Rubin and Javier Olivares (Javier won the very first FACA). Does this mean I had a team full of ringers? YES HAHAHA! Anyway, head FACA fan Neil Bramlette wanted to get a jam sketch by me and Guy at LAST year's HeroesCon, where Guy was a guest for the first time, but I was so busy running around I never had time to sit down and do anything, so we agreed that Guy would mail his bit to me and I'd complete it. A little over one year and a second HeroesCon later, at last Guy's chocolate and my peanut butter have been joined forever. Hats off to Neil for being a super enthusiastic supporter of cartoonists everywhere, and for flattering me monstrously by wanting me to draw all over ANYthing by Guy Davis. Also, just so you know: I will totally draw stuff for you if you want, although I will charge you money. Basically the more specific you are with what you want, the more I will charge you. But we can talk about this via e-mail, should you be interested. You can see the above drawing bigger over at my Flickr stream--just click on "All Sizes" to see the big version.
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