This Friday is SPX, one of my favorite indie shows of the year, second only to TCAF. I'll be appearing for the second time as a cartoonist, as opposed to a conventioneer or a retailer.  SPX is also great because a TON of my comics friends will be there, so it will for sure be a vast party, spreading all across the Marriott hotel lobbies, conference rooms, bars, and out into the streets, the cartoonist-littered streets.  THINGS THAT WILL BE HAPPENING: I will have two new books, sort of--one is all mine, a teeny minicomic version of my "8 Different Ways To Get Nutted" comic, printed in full color. Did you know that printing in full color is super expensive? Well it is. I need to get a publisher for these things, because WHOA NELLIE. Oh but that's not the half of it! SPX will also see the debut of Papercutter #11 from Tugboat Press, which I have a one-page strip in. Do you like copyright infringement? Well then you're gonna love this strip! Papercutter #11 also includes longer (better? sniff) strips by Amy Adoyzie, Jon Sukarangsan, and Lisa Eisenberg. So what I'm saying is, you need to buy this thing. Let's see, what else? Oh yes, the Nerdlingers! Last year I was awarded a Nerdlinger Award (For "Greatest Gentleman/Greatest Smile in Indie Comics", natch!) and so this year I get to award someone else one. I won't say who yet, but they're super awesome, I thought really hard about it. Double sweet--I got to design the actual award label (the award is a label affixed to a bottle of REAL BEER), which was fun--I need to do more lettering design, I love it, I could do that stuff all day no problem. Here's some early versions from my sketchbook, but the final looks a little better: Those badboys will be given out Friday night at Atomic Books in Baltimore, and I will be there. I believe some different people are reading their comics there as well? You can find out more right here (scroll down a little). I think that's all for now--I'm super excited. I'll maybe have a t-shirt too, but we'll have to see on that one. I'll be set up with my bro Scott Campbell at table D-1, right next to Partyka bros Matt Wiegle and Shawn Cheng, and pretty close to AdHouse bros Chris Pitzer, Lamar Abrams, and Josh Cotter. This will for sure be a brodown of legend, and all of us will be accepting free drinks all weekend with no hassle. Bring it on!
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