Women was the first novel I ever read by Charles Bukowski, at the age of 21, which is close to exactly the right age to read Bukowski. I'm more a fan of his poems and especially his reading of his own poems than I am his novels, but this passage from Women has always been one of my favorite from any book. I remember vividly coming to this phrase while walking to work, and suddenly sort of "getting" the whole book, which I had been struggling with. This is back when I used to walk a half-hour to work every day, and I'd read while walking down the sidewalk. I loved this passage so much that, throughout a lot of my early/mid 20's, I would carefully deface bathrooms across Charlotte with it, trying to put it as high on the walls as I could, so it would be harder to cover over with the regular penis drawings and racial slurs endemic to bar bathrooms. Anyway, so here it is. It took way too long--coloring is sure complicated, I don't think I'm cut out for it. But it looks better with color than without, so there's that. I like the idea of adapting stuff though, as it means I can concentrate on HOW to lay it out and get the point across, which I don't do much in my regular comics, especially the autobio ones. Anyway.
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