At last! Beginning this Monday, October 19, I'll convene the DUNE BOOK CLUB, right here on your friendly neighborhood Dharblog. SUPER SIMPLE RUNDOWN: 1) We'll read a certain prescribed amount of the book during the week, then on Mondays I'll get the discussionizing started with a little post, and we can all join in by commenting on the post in the appropriately-named COMMENTS section. 2) The rules are a) Don't Be A Jerk, and b) Don't Be A Pottymouth. My mom looks at my blog sometimes, I don't want her reading all your tee-tee/ca-ca language. Also, c) Don't Spoil The Plot. Some of us might be reading it for the first time, so let's try to respect that if so. If YOU'RE reading it for the first time, just speak up so no one ruins anything. 3) We'll be confining the discussion to just the first book in the series, which is self-contained. It's by far the best one anyway, and it'll keep things simple, rather than looking at the larger (bizarrer!) story of the whole 6-book unfinished series. 4) We won't be talking much about the movie, which I'm not a big fan of. You guys can if you like, but I'll be keeping my posts on the book itself. All are welcome! This is probably my favorite novel ever, and definitely the book I've learned the MOST from over the years. Whether or not you like science fiction, this book is CHOCK FULL of nuggets of wisdom, it's pretty amazing. FOR MONDAY'S MEETING, let's read the first 40-something pages, depending on the edition you have access to. Read to the end of the chapter that begins "Paul watched his father enter the training room.." and ends with "..his new awareness denied it."
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