New strip! As it says in the little teeny synopsis with the art, I'm pretty sure that's what the pattern to my future jams looked like. I remember mainly because when I picked it, I was SURE--as I am with many things even today--that it was the perfect pattern for jams, and would succinctly sum up everything that was wonderful and unique about me. So when in fact this did not happen, the bum choice became retroactively more important in my memory. When we moved to the deep country from the suburban country, the bicycle became the only feasible means of transportation for me--there were no friends within easy walking distance. I think my closest friend was about a 20 minute bike ride away. Part of what makes the country "the country" is that there simply aren't many people out there. So most of the first few years of high school I spent on my bike--I have to say that, while I was definitely a little spindly guy, even moreso than today, I had the ropey thighs of a marathon runner from all that biking. I remember being unable to benchpress even 30 pound without having to pray first in gym, but on the leg press machine I was going toe to toe with guys who played actual sports!!! For those of you checking my blog for DUNE BOOK CLUB Week 05, it will go up this evening, as I have a dentist's appointment in the morning and then some actual paying work to knock out during the day. But then the nighttime will be the right time.. to be with the one you Dune.
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