ink-panther-icon_450px Hey guys I tricked some people into having me as a guest on their podcast! Oh these dummies will long rue the day; but for now, and until they wise up and take this thing off the internet, you may listen to it here: TOPICS INCLUDE: McDonald's Jams Pink Floyd Dune Funny Accents VCR's Mike Gets Embarassed And His Face Flushes Not Funny Accents More Accents Of Indeterminate Humorous Qualities More Dune Possibly Too Much Dune My Dog Barks A Lot Alex Is Not Actually A Clown Oh I Forgot Did I Mention Sex? Dune Reprise: The Movies Mike's Circle Of Friends = One Person AND MANY MORE! The Ink Panthers podcast is hosted by Box Office Poison creator Alex Robinson and Freddy & Me creator Mike Dawson. They are super funny guys and tough cartoonists, BUT EVEN BETTER, the podcast has very little to do with comics actually. Which let's face it, are not nearly as interesting when you're talking about them, as opposed to reading them. As this blog is ample evidence of. I got a little nervous and talked WAY too much, but fortunately Mike and Alex are super funny despite this. They're champs! Anyway, go check it out!
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