As I say on the strip's page, I usually try hard not to swear in my comics, not only because I think it's rude and only rarely necessary, but because I was raised that way. I was telling a friend the other night the story of my mother literally smearing soap onto my tongue after letting some potty-language slip on the way to church. And I'm not talking about hand soap out of a cute little pump, potpourri or cocoa-butter scented. I'm talking about one of those little cracked faded bars of blue-green institutional soap that haunted the soap dishes of churches and public schools in the 1980's. Remember what I'm talking about? And the cracks were always filled with some sort of brown stuff too, most likely the detritus of long neglect. I'm not sure if handwashing was that much in vogue in the 80's. Certainly not with me. Anyway, sorry Mom for the two swears in this week's comic. It will only get worse as the stories progress, but I will try to do my best to not make your powerful child-rearing skills seem less Herculean! And for those of you hunting the latest (and likely last) installment of the Dune Book Club, that will happen after 6 today, as I am behind on some other work. Hey, watch your language!
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