So my strip about my 14-year old fashion sense comes to an end. I sure do love my Mama a lot, when I was working on this last page I was just thinking about how sweet it was that she made me CLOTHES, you know? I mean, the lady sewed me up a matching shirt and shorts, who cares if it was a few years past their most fashionable application? My mom's a sweet lady, she deserved better than me in high school, but what can I say, not many of us were saints to our parents in high school, am I right? Not that that makes it any better or anything. I think this is going to be the last strip I do at this tiny (5.25" square) size with brushes--I was doing these as a tryout for the longer stories I'm about to begin, but the size + brush combination is just not yielding very good drawings. So I'm going to return to nibs for awhile, at my customary (still tiny) size of 8.5" wide. I passionately want to be able to ape Kaz Strzepek's awesome idea to work small enough to be able to carry it everywhere, but it just hasn't worked out yet for me. Besides, I need to stylize things more anyway, I keep trying to put all these dumb details into backgrounds, and the drawings end up looking watered down, somehow overworked and underworked at the same time. Preposterous! In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed this little story. Of all the ones I've done, this one produced a lot of response from people. But my favorite response was from Mike Konold, who sent me this amazing picture of himself and his sister wearing some sweet jams in front of Niagara Falls! I don't know if she is really wearing jams, but hey-- tie goes to the runner, I say. konold-m_jams Mike included this little anecdote: "Your comic is reminiscent of the time I went to school with my hair blow dried back with the sides slicked back with gel thinking it was way cooler than my standard towel dry and comb forward style. I faked an illness so I could go home after first period, sparing myself 7 more periods of humiliation. I think my parents knew what was up since the very next day I had my old hair style back." HAW! I love it! Anyone else have more pictures in jams? Because guys: let's share.
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