POSSIBLY UPCOMING :: The Return of La Profesora

HOW ELSE WILL THEY LEARN OF FART CLOUDS? Truly there is no more treasured person in all of Education Assembled than the teacher of Continuing Education courses in Comics. Ranking higher even than the American Sign Language (ASL) teacher, higher than Ukrainian As A Second Language (USL), even pulling even with the Creative Scrapbooking (CPb) teacher! Now, combine this celebrated position in civic culture with a person like myself; a person known far and wide for his sagacity, his perspicacity, yea even his sesquipedality. What you get is a position as revered as the most hallowed in the community: as revered as the "Security-Guard-In-Training"; as treasured as the "Cable Television Installer"; as feared and respected even as the mighty "Assistant Principal" himself. But lo! I am informed by my prospective employer, Central Piedmont Community College, that if enrollment in the first class in this series doesn't grow, then the class will be cancelled. SO! Get thee to admissions, my loyal and future students! That is, if you live within driving distance of CPCC, located here in the heart of educational Charlotte, North Carolina. You can see a rundown of the various classes in the series here on the CPCC site, and this handy link will begin the odyssey of signing up, or maybe paying money, or even both. The first class is 8 weeks long, will meet on some day of the week, presumably Saturday, and will be involved mainly with Scott McCloud's book "Understanding Comics" as a foundational text. Over that I will include my own patented brand of stuttering, clumsy, but ultimately and sublimely efficacious comments and humorous anecdotes. La Profesora is ready to educate you!
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