SKETCHBOOK PAGES :: Kid Medulla, Republicans, Bob Dylan

I recently finished up my Moleskine sketchbook, filling up the last page--pretty sure that's the first time I ever actually used a whole sketchbook up. Whatever part of my brain that's tricked itself into aspiring to OCD loves this, and has convinced me that I should post all those sketchbook pages, here on the "Internet." So I am. I love my OCD brain; I do whatever it thinks is best generally. I think I'm going to put them up 3 at a time, in this ever-expanding Flickr set. There's 105 or so total pages, a little less than half of which are already up there, so it'll take awhile. I'm basically filling in holes, so it won't make much sense probably. Haw! Sucks for you! The drawings aren't always particularly good--or even interesting--but I feel like there's something going on in this sketchbook. It basically takes up the last two years or so, which is when I really got serious about cartooning, started doing a weekly strip, etc. Plus on a personal note, there's a quasi-diary hidden in there, or at least there is to me, who actually drew or wrote or scribbled all the stuff in here. Hope you enjoy it! Feel free to NOT comment on any personal stuff you see; while I enjoy occasionally exposing myself like this, I don't particularly enjoy discussing it. I know I know, it's crazy.
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