temp_ethan-ede Alright! I, with the kind assistance of random.org, have selected a winner to my little self-promotion contest. Hats off to Mr "@EthanEde", who was the 13th to retweet and/or post a link to my original contest posting. For his troubles, Mr @ede will receive the original concept drawing for my Under-Achiever strip--not technically the art for the strip itself, which was pieced together from a lot of drawings, but a nice pinup nonetheless, and far larger than what I ended up doing anyway. Additional kudos to Mr Henry Eudy, who also travels the Twitterways as @OhTheHumanatee, and who was the very first person to enter; as well as someone who bought a page of art from me last week, and who has patiently endured my continued forgetfulness in actually transmitting said art to him. Henry is a cartoonist of no small talent himself, so it's a double pleasure to get his money. Which is not to say I don't want your money, just to be clear. Because I do. I want it. I need it. Okay, so thanks to everyone very much, not only to those who participated, but also to those who endured it. I'm a little embarassed about doing something like this, as it's precisely the sort of thing I hate myself. But what can you do, we're all our best employees in this hardscrabble world, you've got to get out there and beat those streets!
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