LA PROFESORA :: New Comics Class Starts March 6

dharbin_comics-prof_composite_700px Okay! This Saturday, March 6, I'll be beginning a new 8-week class at Charlotte's Central Piedmont Community College, and I want you or someone you know to take it. The class is titled "Constructing Visual Narratives;" if you know me you know I did not come up with that class title. I think if I were to call it something, it would be "MAKE COMICS." Which is what we will be doing. The Advertising and Graphic Design department, who oversee this particular Continuing Education series of courses, has generously granted me carte blanche to do whatever I like, so I'm excited about this particular class. Basically what I'm planning is to make comics every week, both in class and as homework. We'll use the comics we make to discuss some of the basic precepts of comics theory and application; but more importantly we'll just make a ton of comics. There is no better way to learn comics than to make them. Practice practice practice as they say. So! There is a link to the class listing here--it will take place in Room 255 in the Central Campus's Overcash building. The cost is $225, and I will do my best to make sure that you get your money's worth. All you need to bring to the class is some regular ole paper and some sort of mark-making device, a pencil or pen or whatever. THAT'S IT.
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