Friday Afternoon News Report

KICKSTARTER REWARD SKETCH | Potential Influence of Bolivia On Gang Styles Good afternoon, yo, good afternoon! A couple of quick news bits for you, if you consider something I would say as news. I barely do myself, but I see here on my list of THINGS TO DO today that I need to "blog." You can't argue with your list, you can only comply, comply, comply. NEWS BIT #1: If you were kind enough to donate to my Kickstarter way back in April or whenever, I am currently working on the sketches that donaters of a certain level were promised. I'm sort of on schedule with this, as I said something along the lines of "there's no way I'll be done shipping those things until the end of July." In reality, maybe a little longer, we'll see. Now that I don't have a day job, I have to hunt money, and that means freelance work, and that means I have to be ready to turn jobs around real quick. Oh, what's that? You'd like to hire me to do just that? Why heavens, that sounds delightful, why not drop me an email with more info? BUT. Like I was saying, I'm working on these guys now. I've done 8 of the 28 or so I have on my list, and I'll probably mail them all at once when I'm done, unless someone needs them earlier. Just let me know, I'm happy to prioritize if need be. I've included images for 3 of them with this very blog post. You're welcome! KICKSTARTER REWARD SKETCH | The Romantic Mind NEWS BIT #2: If you're not on Facebook, feel free to skip ahead to NEWS BIT #3. This week I set up one of those annoying Facebook "Fan" pages for myself, in the interest of trimming back the 1000+ friends I've accrued over the last year or two. You would not BELIEVE the bizarre number of events and groups and Farmville crap I get invited to. Super annoying. Plus, frankly, seeing a bunch of pictures of me drunk somewhere is not going to help you in any event. So, if you're on Facebook, I invite you heartily to LIKE that page. I promise not to send out huge mass emails or constant updatey things or whatever. I would never do that to you! What we share, it's ... it's special. Not special enough for my "personal" Facebook, mind you... KICKSTARTER REWARD SKETCH | You Are Born With All The Eggs You'll Ever Get NEWS BIT #3: Did you know that a woman is born with all the eggs she'll ever have? Crazy! I had this confirmed for me this week. So to all you ladies: be careful with those things okay? You're welcome again!
Content © 2024 by Dustin Harbin | Site design by Harbin and implemented by adult