MILTON GLASER: Art Is Whatever

I love Milton Glaser. L.O.V.E. I'm not a huge fan of his work over the last 20 years or so, from an aesthetic point of view, but that's subjective, and I'm uneducated. But his ideas, his approach, those things I love unabashedly and without reservation. I first discovered Glaser--who is literally one of the most famous designers of all time, to give you an idea of how out of the loop I am, to be talking about "discovering" him--in The Push Pin Graphic, a book by his former studiomate Seymour Chwast, who is quite famous himself. I just went to look the book up on Amazon, and whoa, apparently it's not only out of print but worth some money. Sucks for you, suckers! Anyway, Glaser is pretty amazing, and a guy who has mastered most kinds of drawing/painting/printmaking on his way to where he is. It's fascinating to hear him talk about doing things on the computer, knowing he's someone who used to mix ink on the printer rollers themselves to get effects. I'd say more but I just remembered that I already wrote about all this years ago, back when I did this swipe of some of my favorite drawings from a series of fake ads in the Pushpin Graphic: MILTON GLASER STUDY. Thanks to Dylan Chorneau for putting me onto that video. Dylan is my official TED watcher, he always alerts me to anything interesting via TED. Which is easy, since it's all pretty interesting.
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