Oh man! So many interesting things going on at CASA DEL DHARBIN lately. Well, many of them actually happened at CASA DEL BIZZARO--I was housesitting for my friends the Bizzaros (as seen in this recent diary strip), and got a surprising number of things done here, besides the normal stuff (playing with their chihuahuas and drinking Jason's expensive Scotch. Check these things out: 1) I finished up my stab at publisher Anne Koyama's "Kickass Annie' logo mascot. I'm planning a longer comic with this Anne-vatar--get it?--later, so this doubled as planning for me. You can click on that image above to see it a little bigger, and I exhort you to look at the many MANY much nicer versions other people did on Koyama Press's Facebook page. This one's my favorite by far. 2) Last week I was on Inkstuds, the Vancouver comics interview radio show/podcast. Robin McConnell has interviewed nearly all the coolest people in comics, so I felt supremely flattered and awesome to be included. The interview is good, although I talk enough for four interviews. So... be warned. 3) I got most of the rest of the items I have for sale up on my site, although I'm still streamlining how that works, with the help of awesome Phillip Duncan, my web guru. I took a bunch of sweet product photos in the Bizzaros swank house, including the one at right. Still to come are Superior Showcase #3 ($3), Papercutter #11 ($4), and my "I Love Him" t-shirts ($15), of which I have a very few mediums left. If you want to buy something from me, just do things normal through the site, then Paypal me the extra to the email address in the sidebar. I'll figure it out. Don't worry about tacking extra shipping on unless you're buying JUST one of those. If you do that, just add $3. Okay that's it for now! But I think some more stuff is going to happen soon you guys. Oh I almost forgot! I did this little guy last night, featuring art by my friend Jason Latour! So see, stuff's already happening!
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